Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
Part A - Class EA Planning Process



Phase 4 represents the culmination of the planning and design procedures set out in this Class EA. The proponent is now required to document in a report all the activities undertaken to date through Phases 1, 2 and 3. This documentation is embodied in an Environmental Study Report (ESR).

The following Steps shall be followed in this Phase:

The ESR must be clear and easily understood.

Step 1 Completion of the ESR. The ESR is intended to be a traceable and easily understood record of the proponent’s decision making process. A more detailed description of the contents and format of the ESR, including requirements for filing, review and amendments, are contained in Section A.4.2. The following brief outline sets out the general requirements:
  1. A description of the problem or opportunity and other background information.
  2. The rationale employed in selecting the preferred solution to the problem.
  3. The rationale employed in selecting the preferred design.
  4. A description of the environmental considerations and impacts.
  5. The mitigating measures which will be undertaken to minimize environmental effects.
  6. A description of the consultation process and an explanation of how concerns raised by the public and review agencies have been addressed in developing the project.
  7. A description of the monitoring program which will be carried out during construction and, if necessary, for a specific time during operation. Details of the ways in which the results of a monitoring program will be communicated to the public and review agencies shall be included.

Third Mandatory contact point.

Step 2 File the ESR with the Municipal Clerk and place on the public record for at least 30 calendar days for review by the public and review agencies. At the time of filing the ESR, the public and review agencies must be notified. This is accomplished by the mandatory issue of Notice of Completion of ESR, as detailed in Section A.3.4.1. This Notice constitutes the third mandatory contact point with the public and review agencies and also carries a mandatory requirement to include notification of the provision to request a Part II Order.
Step 3 Provision to Request a Part II Order. The process related to a request for a Part II Order is described in detail in Section A.2.8. If no request for an Order is received by the Minister within the review period, then the proponent may proceed to Phase 5 and implementation of the project.