Sunday, February 23, 2025
The following provides an overview of environmental factors to be considered when reviewing existing and future conditions, developing alternatives, and analyzing and evaluating them to determine the preferred alternative.
Although these descriptions are general, the proponent is required to describe the environment to be affected by a specific project in detail including the significant features which comprise each type of environment. It should be noted that potential environmental effects include both positive and negative effects. Review agencies, First Nations and the public will therefore have an opportunity to understand the specific environment affected by a given project while it is being planned. The list provided is general only and is intended to be developed on a project-specific basis reflecting the scope of the study area, federal, provincial, and municipal legislation, policies, and agency and public input.
Land-Use Planning Objectives:
Natural Environment/Natural Heritage Features:
Social Environment:
Cultural Environment Heritage (Cultural and Archaeological Resources in the Environment):
First Nations/Aboriginal Peoples:
Economic Environment: