Linear induction motor propulsion: Retained from the original GO Urban concept the LIM is essentially a rotary motor cut radially with the stator imbedded as a reaction rail in the guideway and the rotor and windings suspended horizontally from the vehicle trucks. Variable frequency AC power creates an electromagnetic repulsion between the LIM and reaction rail, similar to a conventional rotary electric motor.
With a 600 volt DC wayside power supply, development of an onboard power conditioning unit to transform the power to variable frequency alternating current was required. The advantages cited for the LIM are a reduction in moving parts and removal of tractive effort from the wheels, with the intention of reducing wheel and rail wear and noise levels. To date, noise levels have continued to be a problem.
Radial or “Steerable” trucks: Conventional rail trucks are rigid which results in “flanging” in tight corners and creates the wheel squeal typical of rail-based systems. The ICTS truck is designed to pivot on a central bolster. This design maintains the ride quality characteristics of the rigid truck while allowing the axles to operate independently.
Fully automated train control: The ICTS control system…is based on a “moving block” concept which dynamically determines safe train separation at any speed based on the position and speed of leading and following trains. The system is also capable of semi-automatic operation under human control, with cab signals.
…Line capacities of 15,000 to 25,000 passengers per hour can be provided, based on the current design.