Municipal Class Environmental Assessment


(NOTE: Wastewater refers to sewage and stormwater)

The following schedules are intended to assist proponents in understanding the status of various projects. The types of projects and activities listed are intended generally to be categorized into Schedules A, A+, B and C with reference to the magnitude of their anticipated environmental impact. In specific cases however, a project may have a greater environmental impact than indicated by the Schedule and in such instances the proponent may, at its discretion, elevate the project to a higher Schedule. Consequently, in selecting the appropriate project schedule, it must be recognized that level of complexity will vary depending on the nature of the project. This is discussed in Section A.2.1.1. Given the varying levels of complexity, the divisions among Schedules A, A+, B and C projects are therefore often not distinct. While the Class EA document defines the minimum requirements for the environmental assessment planning, the proponent is responsible for “customizing” it to reflect the complexities and needs of a specific project.

The foregoing should be considered not only at the outset of project planning but as one proceeds through the process and reviews / confirms the project schedule.

Key considerations when screening potential effects outlined in Appendix 3 and include requiring property, affecting fisheries, affecting significant woodlots and wetlands, or having impacts which are considered significant to your community.

For example, a project may be a Schedule A or A+. It may, however, have potential major impacts such as requiring property, removing trees, affecting watercourses, affecting fisheries, or having impacts which are considered significant in your community. Accordingly, while it may technically be a Schedule A or A+, the proponent should carefully consider the appropriateness of that selection, since it would likely be more appropriately carried out as a Schedule B or C.

The dams and weirs referred to in Schedule A (13), Schedule B (19 and 25) and Schedule C (10) are flow control structures located within a watercourse. Any outfall structure at a wastewater treatment facility or sewage lagoon would be part of that wastewater treatment facility or sewage lagoon and would not be considered a dam or weir within one of these sections. Stormwater management facilities, whether located within a watercourse or not, would not be considered a dam or weir.Take, for example, the expansion of a water storage facility in an existing utility corridor. This is a Schedule A+ project. However, if the utility corridor contains recreational trails and has abutting residential properties it is possible that the construction could have significant community impacts and as such should perhaps be considered as a Schedule B or C project. A proponent may elect to undertake an individual environmental assessment should the magnitude of the project, the anticipated environmental impact of the project or its controversial nature warrant it. As another example, Septic tanks need to be cleaned out regularly. Normally the contents, septage, is removed by a truck. While the septage is being hauled it is considered a waste product and subject to the associated regulations. However, when the septage is off loaded, it is considered wastewater and holding or treatment facilities receiving the septage need to be approved under the MCEA in accordance with the appropriate schedule definitions for public/private sector proponents. Following the selection of the most appropriate schedule, the proponent must document their rationale for the selection.

In selecting the most appropriate Schedule, proponents should bear in mind the requirement to plan large or extended projects in their entirety. Projects, for example, which are to be implemented in stages over an extended period of time shall be planned in their entirety at the time when the first stage is to be undertaken and shall not be broken up, or piecemealed, into smaller components.

Overlap Between EA Approvals:

The Schedules shall be viewed inclusively in order to ensure that the correct Schedule is selected. The proponent shall review all applicable Schedules to ensure the correct choice of Schedule. In cases where components of a single project fall within more than one Schedule, the more rigorous Schedule shall apply.

Where two or more components of a project are not covered entirely within either the roads schedules or the water and wastewater schedules it will be necessary to plan the project under the more rigorous of the schedules. For example, a project consisting of a new road crossing a new dyke could not be planned in its entirety under only either the roads or the water and wastewater schedules. In such cases, the proponent shall plan the project in accordance with all applicable requirements but may document the planning process in one Project File or ESR.

The decision to proceed under one set of schedules rather than another (i.e. road schedules versus water and wastewater schedules), shall not be open to challenge nor be grounds for a request for an order.

Background Studies:

Background Studies are exempt from the Class EA process.




(Note:  The schedules shall be reviewed inclusively to ensure that the correct schedule is selected.)

The following Schedule A projects are pre-approved.  The proponent may proceed without following the procedures set out in this Class EA.

Projects which take place partly outside the proponent’s municipal boundary shall be planned at least under Schedule B, other than “normal or emergency operational activities” which shall be Schedule A.

Wastewater Management Projects:

1.   Normal or emergency operational activities (see Glossary definition for Operation). Such activities may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • modify, repair, reconstruct existing facilities to provide operational, maintenance or other improvements such as reducing odour, insulating buildings to reduce noise levels and conserve energy, landscaping
  • on-going maintenance activities 
  • normal operation of sewage treatment plants 
  • installation of new service connections, catch basins and appurtenances from existing sewers
  • maintenance and/or minor improvements to grounds and structures 
  • addition of minor buildings, sheds and equipment and materials storage areas 
  • repairs, cleaning, renovations or replacement of sewage treatment facilities, pumping plant equipment or outfalls 
  • cleaning, relining, repairs and renovations to existing sewage collection system
  • installation or replacement of standby power equipment where new equipment is located within an existing building or structure.


  1. Increase pumping station capacity by adding or replacing equipment where new equipment is located within an existing building or structure and where the existing rated capacity is not exceeded.
  1. Expand / refurbish / upgrade sewage treatment plant including outfall up to existing rated capacity where no land acquisition is required.
  2. Install chemical or other process equipment for operational or maintenance purposes in existing sewage collection system or existing sewage treatment facility.
  3. Provide additional treatment facilities in existing lagoons, such as aeration, chemical addition, post treatment, including expanding lagoon capacity up to existing rated  capacity, provided no land acquisition nor additional lagoon cells are required.
  4. Expansion of the buffer zone between a lagoon facility or land treatment area and adjacent uses where the buffer zone is entirely on the proponent’s land.



SCHEDULE A - Continued

  1. Dispose of, utilize, or manage biosolids on an interim basis (e.g. further treatment in drying beds, composting, temporary holding at transfer stations), at:

a) An existing sewage treatment plant where the biosolids is generated, or

b) An existing landfill site, incinerator or organic soil conditioning site, where the biosolids is to be utilized or disposed of.

8.   Establish a new biosolids organic soil conditioning site.

9.   Increase sewage treatment plant capacity beyond existing rated capacity through improvements to operations and maintenance activities only, but without construction of works to expand, modify or retrofit the plant or the outfall to the receiving the water body, with no increase to total mass loading to receiving water body as identified in the Certificate of Approval.

10. Establish, extend, or enlarge a sewage collection system and all necessary works to connect the system to an existing sewage outlet, where it is required as a condition of approval on a site plan, consent plan of subdivision or plan of condominium which will come into effect under the Planning Act prior to the construction of the collection system.

11. Establish new or replace or expand existing stormwater detention/retention ponds or tanks and appurtenances including outfall to receiving water body provided all such facilities are in either an existing utility corridor or an existing road allowance where no additional property is required.

12. Replace traditional materials in an existing watercourse or in slope stability works with material of equal or better properties, at substantially the same location and for the same purpose.

13. Reconstruct an existing dam weir at the same location and for the same purpose, use and capacity.

14. Expand, improve or modify existing patrol yards, equipment and material storage facilities, maintenance facilities and parking lots for service vehicles, where no land acquisition is required.

15. Sewage projects planned and approved under Ontario Regulation 586/06 (see Section A.2.10.4 of Municipal Class EA).

  1. Roadside ditches, culverts and other such incidental stormwater works constructed solely for the purpose of servicing municipal road works.
  2. Construction of stormwater management facilities which are required as a condition of approval on a consent, site plan, plan of subdivision or condominium which will come into effect under the Planning Act prior to the construction of the facility.
  3. Any project which would otherwise be subject to this Class EA and has fulfilled the requirements outlined in Section A.2.9 of this Class EA and for which the relevant Planning Act documents have been approved or have come into effect under the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13, as amended.

SCHEDULE A - Continued

  1. Installation or replacement of standby power equipment where new equipment is located in a new building or structure.
  2. Expansion, improvement or modification to existing patrol yard equipment or material storage facilities and maintenance facilities where land acquisition is required provided project conforms to Planning Act requirements and with municipal and other requirements.
  3. New service facilities (e.g. patrol yards, storage and maintenance facilities, parking lots for service vehicles) provided project conforms to Planning Act requirements and with municipal and other requirements.


Drainage works, regulated under the Drainage Act, are exempt under the Ontario EA Act.

Water Projects:

1. Normal or emergency operational activities (see Glossary definition of “Operation”). Such activities may include but are not limited to the following:

  • modify, repair, reconstruct existing facilities to provide operational maintenance or other improvements such as reducing odour, insulating of buildings to reduce noise levels and conserve energy, landscaping
  • on-going maintenance activities
  • normal operation of water treatment plants
  • install new service connections, hydrants and appurtenances from existing water mains
  • maintenance and/or minor improvements to grounds and structures
  • addition of minor buildings, sheds and equipment and materials storage areas
  • repairs or cleaning of a well or intake
  • repairs and renovations to treatments and pumping plant equipment, water storage facilities, distribution mains and appurtenances
  • installation of corrosion protection systems
  • replacement of standby power equipment where new equipment is located within an existing building or structure
  • cleaning and/or relining existing watermains.


  1. Increasing pumping station capacity by adding or replacing equipment where new equipment is located within an existing building or structure;
  2. Install chemical or other process equipment, provide additional treatment facilities such as filtration, for operational or maintenance purposes, in existing treatment plants or in existing pumping stations.
  3. Install new or replacement wells or deepen existing wells or increase pumping capacity of existing wells, at an existing municipal well site, where the existing rated yield will not be exceeded.
  4. Increase water treatment plant capacity intake through improvements to operations and maintenance activities only, but without construction of works to expand, modify or retrofit the plant, where the increase does not increase the limit in the Permit to Take Water.

SCHEDULE A - Continued

  1. Establish, extend or enlarge water distribution system and all necessary works to connect the system to an existing system, where it is required as a condition of approval on a site plan, consent, plan of subdivision or plan of condominium which will come into effect under the Planning Act prior to the construction of the extension of the collection system.
  2. Expand, improve, or modify existing patrol yards, equipment or material storage facilities, maintenance facilities and parking lots for service vehicles, where no land acquisition is required.


  1. New water systems for which an approval under the Safe Drinking Water Act is not required.
  2. Replace/expand existing water storage facilities provided all such facilities are in either an existing road allowance or an existing utility corridor or where no land acquisition is required.
  3. Projects planned and approved under Ontario Regulation 586/06 (see Section A.2.10.4 of the Municipal Class EA).
  4. Any project which would otherwise be subject to this Class EA and has fulfilled the requirements outlined in Section A.2.9 of this Class EA and for which the relevant Planning Act documents have been approved or have come into effect under the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13, as amended.
  5. Installation or replacement of standby power equipment located in a new building or structure.
  6. Expansion, improvement or modification to existing patrol yard equipment or material storage facilities and maintenance facilities where land acquisition is required provided project conforms to Planning Act requirements and with municipal and other requirements.
  7. New service facilities (e.g. patrol yards, storage and maintenance facilities, parking lots for service vehicles) provided project conforms to Planning Act requirements and with municipal and other requirements.




(Note:  The schedules shall be reviewed inclusively to ensure that the correct schedule is selected.)

The following Schedule A+ activities are pre-approved, however, the public is to be advised prior to project implementation. The manner in which the public is advised is to be determined by the proponent.

Wastewater Management Projects:

  1. Establish, extend, or enlarge a sewage collection system and all necessary works to connect the system to an existing sewage or natural drainage outlet, provided all such facilities are in either an existing road allowance or an existing utility corridor, including the use of Trenchless Technology for water crossings.
  2. Retire a facility which would have been planned under Schedule A or Schedule A+ of the Municipal Class EA for its establishment (see Glossary definition of Retirement).
  3. Increase pumping station capacity by adding or replacing equipment and appurtenances, where new equipment is located in an existing building or structure and where its existing rated capacity is exceeded.
  4. Installation or replacement of standby power equipment where new equipment is located in an existing building or structure.
  5. Modify, retrofit, or improve a retention/detention facility including outfall or infiltration system for the purpose of stormwater quality control.  Biological treatment through the establishment of constructed wetlands is permitted.
  6. Retire a facility which would have been subject to either Schedule B or C of the Municipal Class EA for its establishment (see Glossary definition of Retirement).

Water Projects:

  1. Establish, extend or enlarge a water distribution system and all works necessary to connect the system to an existing system or water source, provided all such facilities are in either an existing road allowance or an existing utility corridor, including the use of Trenchless Technology for water crossings.
  2. Retire a water facility which would have been planned under Schedule A or Schedule A+ of the Municipal Class EA for its establishment (See Glossary definition of Retirement).
  3. Installation of new standby power equipment to an existing building or structure
  4. Expand / refurbish / upgrade water treatment plant up to existing rated capacity where no land acquisition is required.
  5. Retire a water facility which would have been planned under Schedule B or C of the Municipal Class EA for its establishment (See Glossary definition of Retirement).



(Note:  The schedules shall be reviewed inclusively to ensure that the correct schedule is selected.)

The following Schedule B activities, having completed Phases 1 and 2 of the planning process, are approved subject to Screening. If the screening process, through Phases 1 and 2, results in other requirements of this Class EA being applicable, then those requirements must also be fulfilled.

For the following activities the proponent shall contact specific agencies and potentially affected members of the public (see Screening Criteria under Appendix 3). For example, if it is determined when planning to modify the intake to an existing water system, that the project will directly affect a permanent watercourse, then the proponent shall contact the Local District of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans - Habitat Management and Enhancement.

Agreements made or commitments given by the proponent to affected agencies or members of the public during the course of the screening process must be followed through and implemented or else the conditions of the EA approval will be deemed to be unfulfilled. If a party has a concern that cannot be resolved by discussion and negotiation between that party and the proponent, then the procedure to request an order may be invoked (see Section A.2.8). By the nature of Schedule B activities, however, it is anticipated that this will not occur frequently.

Two points of contact with the public are mandatory under the screening process. The proponent may select the method of public notification which best suits the circumstances of the specific project under consideration (see Exhibit A.2 - Flow Chart and Section A.3.5 - Public Consultation).

Proponents are encouraged to review section A.2.9 for opportunities to integrate Class EA projects with the Planning Act.

Wastewater Management Projects:

  1. Establish, extend or enlarge a sewage collection system and all works necessary to connect the system to an existing sewage outlet where such facilities are not in an existing road allowance or an existing utility corridor.
  2. Establish new stormwater retention/detention ponds and appurtenances or infiltration systems including outfall to receiving water body where additional property is required.
  3. Enlarge stormwater retention/detention ponds/ tanks or sanitary or combined sewage detention tanks by addition or replacement, at substantially the same location where additional property is required.
  4. Establish sewage flow equalization tankage in existing sewer system or at existing sewage treatment plants, or at existing pumping stations for influent and/or effluent control.

SCHEDULE B - Continued

  1. Add additional lagoon cells or establish new lagoons, or install new or additional sewage storage tanks at an existing sewage system, where land acquisition is required but existing rated capacity will not be exceeded.
  2. Establish biosolids management facilities at:

a) A sewage treatment plant where the biosolids were not generated.  

b) An existing landfill site, incinerator or organic soil conditioning site where the biosolids are not to be disposed of nor utilized.

  1. Construct new pumping station or increase pumping station capacity by adding or replacing equipment and appurtenances, where new equipment is located in a new building or structure.
  2. Expand sewage treatment plant, including relocation or replacement of outfall to receiving water body, up to existing rated capacity where new land acquisition is required.
  3. Increase sewage treatment plant capacity beyond existing rated capacity through improvements to operations and maintenance activities only but without construction of works to expand, modify or retrofit the plant or the outfall to the receiving water body where there is an increase to total mass loading to the receiving water body as identified in the Certificate of Approval.
  4. Expand, improve or modify existing patrol yards, equipment or material storage facilities and maintenance facilities where additional land acquisition is required.
  5. Communal sewage systems (new or expanded) with subsurface effluent disposal subject to approval under Section 53 of the Ontario Water Resources Act.
  6. New service facilities (e.g. patrol yards, storage and maintenance facilities, parking lots for service vehicles).
  7. Expansion of the buffer zone between a lagoon facility or land treatment area and adjacent uses, where the buffer zone extends onto lands not owned by the proponent.
  8. Water crossing by a new or replacement sewage facility except for the use of Trenchless Technology for water crossings.
  9. Construct berms along a watercourse for purposes of flood control in areas subject to damage by flooding.
  10. Modify existing water crossings for the purposes of flood control.
  11. Works undertaken in a watercourse for the purposes of flood control or erosion control, which may include: 
  • bank or slope regrading
  • deepening the watercourse
  • relocation, realignment or channelization of watercourse 

SCHEDULE B - Continued

  • revetment including soil bio-engineering techniques
  • reconstruction of a weir or dam.


  1. Construction of spillway facilities at existing outfalls for erosion or sedimentation control.
  2. Construct a fishway or fish ladder in a natural watercourse, expressly for the purpose of providing a fishway.
  3. Enclose a watercourse in a storm sewer.
  4. Construct a stormwater control demonstration or pilot facility for the purpose of assessing new technology or procedures.
  5. Reconstruct existing weir or dam at the same location where the purpose, use and capacity are changed.
  6. Removal of an existing weir or dam.
  7. Establish stormwater infiltration system for groundwater recharge.
  8. A new holding tank that is designed for the total retention of all sanitary sewage disposed into it and requires periodic emptying.

Water Projects:

  1. Establish, extend or enlarge a water distribution system and all works necessary to connect the system to an existing system or water source, where such facilities are not in either an existing road allowance or an existing utility corridor.
  2. Establish facilities for disposal of process wastewater (e.g. install sewer connection, construct holding pond, dewatering and hauling operations to disposal sites).
  3. Expand existing water treatment plant including intake up to existing rated capacity where land acquisition is required.
  4. Increase pumping station capacity by adding or replacing equipment and appurtenances where new equipment is located in a new building or structure.
  5. Expansions, improvements and modifications to existing patrol yards, equipment or materials storage facilities, and maintenance facilities where land acquisition is required.
  6. Establish new or expand/replace existing water storage facilities.
  7. New service facilities (e.g. patrol yards, storage and maintenance facilities, parking lots for service vehicles).

SCHEDULE B - Continued

  1. Establish a well at a new municipal well site, or install new wells or deepen existing wells or increase pump capacity of existing wells at an existing municipal well site where the existing rated yield will be exceeded. If a new water system is also required, this will become a Schedule C project.
  2. Water crossing by a new or replacement water facility except for the use of Trenchless Technology for water crossings.
  3. Increase water treatment plant capacity including new or expanded water intake beyond existing rated capacity through improvements to operations and maintenance activities only but without construction of works to expand, modify or retrofit the plant.
  4. Replacement of water intake pipe for a surface water source.





(Note:  The schedules shall be reviewed inclusively to ensure that the correct schedule is selected.)

The following Schedule C activities shall follow the planning procedure outlined in this document.

Wastewater Projects:

  1. Construct new sewage system, including outfall to receiving water body and/or a constructed wetland for treatment.
  2. Construct new sewage treatment plant or expand existing sewage treatment plant beyond existing rated capacity including outfall to receiving water body.
  3. Establish new lagoons or expand existing lagoons or install new or additional sewage storage tanks which will increase beyond existing rated capacity.
  4. Provide for land application of sewage effluent through spray irrigation system or overland flow.
  5. Establish a new biosolids landfill site or new biosolids incineration site for purposes of biosolids disposal.
  6. Establish a new transfer station or new storage lagoon not located at a sewage treatment plant, incinerator, landfill site, or organic soil conditioning site, for purposes of biosolids management.
  7. Construct new or modify, retrofit or improve existing retention/detention facility or infiltration system for the purpose of stormwater quality control where chemical or biological treatment or disinfection is included, including outfall to receiving water body.
  8. Construction of a diversion channel or sewer for the purpose of diverting flows from one watercourse to another.
  9. Construct new shore line works, such as off-shore breakwaters, shore-connected breakwaters, groynes and sea walls.
  10. Construct a new dam or weir in a watercourse.
  11. Construct new sanitary or combined sewage retention / detention facility at a new location.



SCHEDULE C - Continued

Water Projects:

  1. Construct new water system including a new well and water distribution system.
  2. Construct new water treatment plant or expand existing water treatment plant beyond existing rated capacity.
  3. Establish a new surface water source.
  4. Artificially recharge an existing aquifer from a surface water source for purposes of water supply.