Municipal Class Environmental Assessment


APP.1C - Status of Municipal Transit Projects Under the Class Environmental Assessment


The following schedules are intended to assist proponents in understanding the status of various projects.

The process for developing the listing of transit projects/activities and determining the associated project schedules is documented in the Environmental Study Report dated June 2007 for a “Major Amendment to the Municipal Class EA Document to include Municipal Transit Projects”.

The following list of projects has been developed to recognize that the key types of transit projects/activities include:

  • maintenance of facilities
  • service operations
  • site specific facilities such as stations or maintenance facilities
  • linear facilities
  • overall transit systems

Transit project schedules generally categorize the projects as follows:

Maintenance and Operations                   -     Schedule A

Site Specific Projects                               -     Typically identified as Schedule A or A+, A+ or B, or B or C. Project schedule is determined by the adjacent land use.  For example, if a project is adjacent to residential land-use or an environmentally-sensitive area, it would receive a higher schedule than if it was adjacent to a less sensitive area (i.e. industrial or commercial). For the purposes of Projects #20­25 and #30-33, the term “environmentally-sensitive area” applies to the natural, social, cultural, and economic environments. It is the responsibility of the proponent to undertake the appropriate investigations and consultation to determine the adjacent land use and to identify “environmentally-sensitive” area(s) by applying the applicable legislation, policies, and standards.

Linear Facilities                                        -     localized improvements -Schedule A+

-     minor modifications -Schedule B

-     major modifications and -Schedule C new facilities

For some projects related to the construction or reconstruction of linear facilities, the determination of project schedule is based on the potential for environmental effects, where:

  • Schedule A/A+ - no or minimal adverse environmental effects
  • Schedule B – have the potential for some adverse environmental effects, where these effects are well understood from a technical perspective and are minor in nature and mitigation is well understood.
  • Schedule C projects – have the potential for significant environmental effects

Transit System                                 Construction of new transit system encompassing the linear component of the transit facility and associated system elements is identified as a Schedule C

Regarding the term “significant”, when referring to environmental effects a specific definition cannot be provided since it is assigned a specific meaning according to the environmental factor area under consideration (e.g. natural, social, cultural, economic) and the applicable policies (at the federal, provincial, regional and municipal levels) as well as public and agency input. Accordingly, when initiating a project, the proponent will identify the potential for environmental impacts. To determine the potential for environmental impacts, proponents will likely require preliminary investigations, potentially involving specialists, to identify potential impacts of projects. This applies particularly with regards to natural environmental impacts (e.g. fisheries) and impacts to cultural heritage and archaeological resources. It is the responsibility of the proponent to undertake the appropriate investigations and consultation to identify “potential environmental effects” and determine their significance by applying the applicable legislation, policies, and standards, through the use of specialists where appropriate and through input from review agencies and the public where applicable.


The types of projects and activities listed are intended generally to be categorized into Schedules A, A+, B and C with reference to the magnitude of their anticipated environmental impact. In specific cases, however, a project may have a greater environmental impact than indicated by the Schedule and in such instances the proponent may, at its discretion, change the project status by elevating it to a higher schedule. Consequently, in selecting the appropriate project schedule, it must be recognized that level of complexity will vary depending on the nature of the project. This is discussed in Section A.2.1.1.

Given the varying levels of complexity, the divisions among Schedules A, A+, B and C projects are therefore often not distinct. While the Class EA document defines the minimum requirements for the environmental assessment planning, the proponent is responsible for “customizing” it to reflect the complexities and needs of a specific project.

The foregoing should be considered not only at the outset of project planning but as one proceeds through the process and reviews / confirms the project schedule.

Key considerations when screening potential effects are outlined in Appendix 3 and include requiring property, affecting watercourses, affecting fisheries, affecting significant natural heritage features (e.g. woodlots and wetlands), or having impacts which are considered significant to your municipality.

For example, a project may be a Schedule A. It may, however, have potential major impacts such as significantly affecting property or natural features (e.g. removing trees, affecting watercourses, affecting fisheries), or having other impacts which are considered significant in your municipality. Accordingly, while it may technically be a Schedule A, the proponent should carefully consider the appropriateness of that selection, since it would likely be more appropriately carried out as a Schedule B or C.

Take, for example, the construction of a new transit station in an industrial area not adjacent to a residential land use or environmentally-sensitive area. This is identified as a Schedule A+ project. However, there could be instances when this type of project could result in potential changes that may result in significant effects, for example, to adjacent businesses, institutions, recreational areas, etc. In these situations it may be more appropriate for the proponent to plan the project as a Schedule B or C project.

A proponent may elect to undertake an individual environmental assessment should the magnitude of the project, the anticipated environmental impact of the project or its controversial nature warrant it. Following the selection of the most appropriate Schedule, the proponent is encouraged to document their rationale for the selection.

In selecting the most appropriate Schedule, proponents should bear in mind the requirement to plan large or extended projects in their entirety. Projects, for example, which are to be implemented in stages over an extended period of time shall be planned in their entirety at the time when the first stage is to be undertaken and shall not be broken up, or piecemealed, into smaller components.

The Schedules shall be viewed inclusively in order to ensure that the correct schedule is selected. The proponent shall review all applicable schedules to ensure the correct choice of Schedule. In cases where components of a single project fall within more than one Schedule, the more rigorous Schedule shall apply.

Overlap Between EA Approvals:

Where two or more components of a project are not covered entirely within the roads schedules, the water and wastewater schedules, or the transit schedules, it will be necessary to plan the project under the more rigorous of the schedules. For example, a project consisting of a new road or transit facility crossing a new dyke could not be planned in its entirety under the roads, the water and wastewater, or the transit schedules. In such cases, the proponent shall plan the project in accordance with all applicable requirements but may document the planning process in one Project File or ESR.

The decision to proceed under one set of schedules rather than another shall not be open to challenge nor be grounds for a request for a Part II Order.

Background Studies:

Background Studies are exempt from the Class EA process.





Schedule A and A+ activities are Pre-approved. The proponent may proceed without following the procedures set out in any other part of this Class EA.

Schedule A

  • generally includes normal or emergency operational and maintenance activities
  • the environmental effects of these activities are usually minimal and therefore, these projects are pre-approved

Schedule A+

  • generally includes: reconstruction for the same purpose, use, and at the same location; localized modifications; and site-specific facilities not in or adjacent to a residential land-use or an environmentally-sensitive area
  • the environmental effects of these activities are usually minimal and therefore, these projects are pre-approved, however, the public is to be advised prior to project implementation.  The manner in which the public is to be advised is determined by the proponent.  

Projects which take place partly outside the proponent’s municipal boundary shall be planned at least under Schedule B, other than normal or emergency operational activities which shall be Schedule A.


Schedule B activities, having completed Phases 1 and 2 of the planning process, are Approved Subject to Screening. If the screening process through Phases 1 and 2 results in other requirements of this Class EA being applicable, then those requirements must be fulfilled.

For Schedule B activities, the proponent shall contact specific agencies and potentially affected members of the public (see Screening Criteria under Appendix 3). For example, if a road widening project for exclusive transit lanes affected a motel and associated tourist facilities then the proponent should contact the Ministry responsible for tourism and recreation.

Agreements made or commitments given by the proponent to affected agencies or members of the public during the course of the screening process must be followed through and implemented or else the conditions of the EA Approval will be deemed to be unfulfilled. If a party has a concern that cannot be resolved by discussion and negotiation between that party and the proponent, then the procedure to request an order may be invoked (see Section A.2.8). By the nature of Schedule B activities, however, it is anticipated that this will not occur frequently.

Two points of contact with the public are mandatory under the screening process. The proponent may select the method of public notification which best suits the circumstances of the specific project under consideration (see Exhibit A.2 - Flow Chart and Section A.3.5 Public Consultation).


Schedule C activities shall follow the planning procedure outlined in the Municipal Class EA parent document.



The following tables indicate under which Schedule a project is expected to be categorized.

Proponents are encouraged to review section A.2.9 for opportunities to integrate Class EA projects with the Planning Act.


Description of the Project

(Note: The Schedules shall be reviewed inclusively to ensure that the correct schedule is selected)

Class EA Project Schedule

Pre Approved






  1. General maintenance of all transit-related facilities including but not limited to:
  • Normal or emergency operation and maintenance of transit facilities and related facilities

•      Resurfacing, patching and frost heave treatment with no change in footprint

•      Rehabilitation and internal modifications to existing buildings and facilities

•      Plowing and sanding of transit facilities and related facilities

•      Shaping and cleaning of existing roadside ditches and culverts

•      Parking lot and lighting rehabilitation;

•      Building rehabilitation or replacement;

•      Facility surveillance, control systems; etc.

•      Snow and de-icing operations that comply with MOE’s Guidelines





2.     General service operations provisions including but not limited to:

• Service Changes and Operational Changes on existing routes;

• Temporary service to special events on non-regular routes;

• Short-term changes to existing routes (both mode and location);

• New, extended or expanded bus routes on existing roads;





3.     New, extended or expanded transit stops (including roadside shelters, on road bays, and platforms).






4.     Construction of localized operational improvements at specific locations (i.e. stopping lanes, access lanes, turning lanes, queue jump lanes, and roadway access ramps etc).










6.     Installation, construction or reconstruction of traffic control devices (i.e. signing, signalization) with no or minimal adverse environmental effects





7.     Installation, construction or reconstruction of traffic control devices (i.e. signing, signalization) with the potential for some adverse environmental effects





8.     New Intelligent Transportation System elements for transit systems (e.g. signal priority for transit)





9.     Installation of safety projects (i.e. lighting, glare screens, safety barriers, energy attenuation) with no or minimal adverse environmental effects.





10. Installation of safety projects (i.e. lighting, glare screens, safety barriers, energy attenuation) with the potential for some adverse environmental effects.











11. Culvert repair or replacement where the capacity of the culvert is not increased beyond the minimum municipal standards or capacity required to adequately drain the area, whichever is greater and where there is no change in drainage area.





12. Culvert repair or replacement where the capacity of the culvert or drainage area is changed.





13. Reconstruction of water crossing where the reconstructed facility will be for the same purpose, use, capacity and at the same location as the facility being reconstructed (capacity refers to hydraulic capacity).





14. Reconstruction of water crossing where the reconstructed facility will not be for the same purpose, use, capacity and at the same location as the facility being reconstructed (capacity refers to hydraulic capacity).





15. Reconstruction of linear components of a transit system where the reconstructed facility will be for the same purpose, use, and at the same location as the facility being reconstructed. (e.g. resurfacing of an existing Reserved Bus Lane (RBL) or reconstruction of existing streetcar track)





16. Reconstruction, widening or expansion of linear components of a transit system where the reconstructed facility will not be for the same purpose, use, and at the same location as the facility being reconstructed (e.g. a change from an existing Reserved Bus Lane (RBL) that is separated from general purpose lanes by signage and pavement markings only to a Reserved Bus Lane (RBL) in an exclusive right-of-way (i.e. physically separated from general purpose lanes)





17. Redesignation of an existing General Purpose Lane (GPL) or High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane to a transit lane through signage and pavement marking modifications (i.e. not requiring physical construction).





18. Reconstruction of linear components of a transit system for different vehicle technology where there is no change in footprint or general purpose traffic operations.





19. Reconstruction of stations, maintenance/storage facilities, passenger pick­up/drop off areas (e.g. Kiss and Ride), park and ride lots, etc. where no land acquisition is required.





20. Expansions, improvements and modifications to existing stations, maintenance and storage facilities, passenger pick-up/drop off areas (e.g. Kiss and Ride), park and ride lots, etc. not in or adjacent to residential land-use or an environmentally-sensitive area including natural heritage features, cultural heritage and archaeological resources, recreational or other sensitive land-uses.





21. Expansions, improvements and modifications to existing stations, maintenance and storage facilities, passenger pick-up/drop off areas (e.g. Kiss and Ride), park and ride lots, etc. in or adjacent to residential land-use or an environmentally-sensitive area including natural heritage features, cultural heritage and archaeological resources, recreational or other sensitive land-uses.













22. Construction of new stations not in or adjacent to residential land-use or an environmentally-sensitive area including natural heritage features, cultural heritage and archaeological resources, recreational or other sensitive land-uses.





23. Construction of new stations in or adjacent to residential land-use or an environmentally-sensitive area including natural heritage features, cultural heritage and archaeological resources, recreational or other sensitive land-uses.





24. Construction of new passenger pick-up/drop off areas (e.g. Kiss and Ride), and park and ride lots not in or adjacent to residential land-use or an environmentally-sensitive area including natural heritage features, cultural heritage and archaeological resources, recreational or other sensitive land-uses.





25. Construction of new passenger pick-up/drop off areas (e.g. Kiss and Ride), and park and ride lots in or adjacent to residential land-use or an environmentally-sensitive area including natural heritage features, cultural heritage and archaeological resources, recreational or other sensitive land-uses.





26. Widening of an existing road to create new transit lanes for bus or light rail.





27. Construction of a new electrical substation associated with an existing transit facility





28. Construction of a transit loop





29. Construction of new grade separation.





30. Construction of new maintenance facilities not in or adjacent to residential land-use or an environmentally-sensitive area including natural heritage features, cultural heritage and archaeological resources, recreational or other sensitive land-uses.





31. Construction of new maintenance facilities in or adjacent to residential land-use or an environmentally-sensitive area including natural heritage features, cultural heritage and archaeological resources, recreational or other sensitive land-uses.





32. Construction of new storage facilities not in or adjacent to residential land-use or an environmentally-sensitive area including natural heritage features, cultural heritage and archaeological resources, recreational or other sensitive land-uses.





33. Construction of new storage facilities in or adjacent to residential land-use or an environmentally-sensitive area including natural heritage features, cultural heritage and archaeological resources, recreational or other sensitive land-uses.





34. Construction of new Transit System i.e. involving construction of new infrastructure. (For implementation of new transit services not requiring construction of new infrastructure i.e. using existing roads, see Project #2)















35. Construction of noise barriers (i.e. structures such as walls and berms or a combination of the two).





36. New fence installations not associated with another project.





37. Utility removal, modification or relocation for safety, operational or aesthetic purposes.





38. Restoration of a facility immediately after a natural or man-made disaster provided the facility is for the same purpose, use, and at the same location.










40. Temporary, not permanent, activity with a defined duration and with the intent to go back to the original condition, unless it is determined to make it a permanent condition which would have to be approved through  the Class EA process where applicable.





41. Decommissioning of existing major transit facilities (i.e. facilities requiring construction activities for decommissioning)